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Treasure in the City Cover
Book design for Treasure in the City by Margaret Barker Booth.
Trees Give Us Spread
Book design for Treasure in the City by Margaret Barker Booth.
Trees Give Us Detail
Book design for Treasure in the City by Margaret Barker Booth.
Magnolia Spread
Book design for Treasure in the City by Margaret Barker Booth.
Magnolia Detail
Book design for Treasure in the City by Margaret Barker Booth.
Swamp Chestnut Spread
Book design for Treasure in the City by Margaret Barker Booth.
Swamp Chestnut Detail
Book design for Treasure in the City by Margaret Barker Booth.
Treasure in the City, a book by Margaret Booth, is a celebration of "Treasure Trees" in Charlotte, North Carolina. These trees are a select group of champions chosen because of their large size, age, or historical significance.
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